Why Real Studio?

Real Studio provides professional 3D animation and modeling services in architecture, product modeling, and walkthroughs (interior/exterior). We offer high-quality results using advanced technology and aim for fast completion. We offer 3D showcases of projects and product features, including interactive walkthroughs. Real Studio is dedicated to delivering the best results and using the latest technology.


Realtime Visualization Artist


3D Architecture modeling

“3D Modelling for Efficient Design at Real Studio”

At Real Studio, our team use 3D Modelling to bring your designs to life. With 3D Modelling, we can constantly make changes and apply variations to meet your requirements. This leads to not only a better finished design but also a more efficient use of materials.

We offer high quality 3D modelling services, both for exterior and interior design. Our goal is to accurately capture your vision and bring it to life. Trust us to revolutionize your design process with our 3D Modelling expertise.


3D Architectural animation

“Bringing Designs to Life with 3D Animations at Real Studio”

At Real Studio, we use 3D animations to bring architectural designs to life. Our team leverages the latest technology to create realistic visualizations that accurately depict your vision. With 3D animations, we can make changes and test variations, resulting in a design that looks great and is efficient.

Our goal is to understand your vision and bring it to life through stunning 3D animations. We work closely with you to ensure every detail is captured. Whether it’s an exterior or interior design, we are here to help.

3D Product Modeling

“Bringing Your Products to Life with 3D Modelling at Real Studio”

At Real Studio, our team is dedicated to creating 3D models that accurately represent your product. We use cutting-edge computer software to create 3D images that bring your product to life. 

Our goal is to showcase your product in the best possible light. We understand the importance of presenting your product in a way that captivates and engages your audience, and that’s why we make sure that every detail is captured and every angle is considered. With our 3D modelling expertise, we are able to bring your product to life in a way that is both realistic and visually stunning.


3D Product animation

“Bringing Your Product to Life with 3D Product Animation at Real Studio”

At Real Studio, our team is dedicated to elevating your product through 3D animation. We provide a 360° view of your product, highlighting its inner workings from various angles. This not only enhances understanding, but also brings the product to life with eye-catching visuals.

Our goal is to boost your product’s selling potential. With high-quality shots and efficient turnaround time, we ensure that your product is presented in a way that engages and impresses your audience.

3D real time walkthrough

At Real Studio, our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the most immersive and engaging experience when it comes to showcasing your architectural designs and constructions. One of the services we offer is virtual walkthroughs, which allows your customers and partners to experience your building designs in a virtual environment.

With a virtual walkthrough, your audience can walk around and inside your building, looking at areas of interest just as they would if they were actually there. Unlike a static 3D visualization, virtual walkthroughs are not limited to just one camera angle. Your audience is free to explore the entire space, giving them a complete understanding of your design.

We provide virtual walkthroughs as an interactive application that you can run on your device, allowing you to experience your interior and exterior designs in high detail. Our team has expertise in optimizing the performance of the walkthrough, ensuring a smooth experience for your audience.

In addition, we offer custom interactivity options, allowing you to add elements such as a main menu, seating, and the ability to change the quality of the walkthrough, turn lights and TVs on and off, change colors and objects, and much more. Our goal is to make the virtual walkthrough experience as personalized and tailored to your needs as possible.

If you’re looking for an even more immersive experience, we also offer virtual walkthroughs as a virtual reality experience. Our team is skilled in creating VR walkthroughs that provide a truly life-like experience, allowing your customers and partners to fully immerse themselves in your designs.

In conclusion, at Real Studio, we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience when it comes to showcasing your architectural designs and constructions. Our virtual walkthroughs are designed to bring your building designs to life, and with custom interactivity options and VR support, we make sure that your presentation is not only visually appealing but also engaging and impactful.